Tuesday, July 10, 2007

StoreGrid Client Registration Templates

What is StoreGrid Client Registration Template ??

Whenever a Service Provider wants to put up a service, he would like to signup new clients as and when they are interested in the service.

For instance, they are interested in an FTP/WebHosting account, the user signs up and is immediately allotted with the necessary Storage space with a user account name and signup password.

Now, he can willfully use a FTP client or a Telnet account to browse through his account and upload or download the necessary data in his account. This feature can also be done for a Trial User, who wants to first test how the service is and what is the uptime etc., before he actually pays.

To cut the long story short, the StoreGrid Client Registration Templates just offers the same kind of flexibility for the StoreGrid Service Providers. It provides them with,

1. Trial/Paid User account creation in the Backup Server.
2. Client Activation based on confirmation of User signup.
3. Default Backup Location and Storage Allocation for the Trial Users.
4. Client De-activation based on expiry of the Trial Period.
5. If the Client has not turned Paid after a grace period, automatically cleanup all the data backed up by the StoreGrid client.

and lots more,...

Now, What is the StoreGrid Client Registration Template and how can a Service Provider use it ??

The Client Registration Templates are a set of HTML forms which can be integrated with the Service Provider's website. The HTML webform contains the basic values needed for account creation, activation for a client in the StoreGrid Backup Server. These forms, in turn, talk with the StoreGrid Application in the backend and create the client accounts in the StoreGrid Backup Server. Thus, letting the user signup for the Backup Service as freely as any other Backup Service.

As most of the users of StoreGrid already know, you can add clients as and when they start backing up to the Backup Server (on the fly), the fun thing about the above feature is the Service Providers can use the 'Deny Auto Authorization' feature and let the user 'Add a User Account(Client) with password' and then backup their data after 'Authorizing' the client installation with the same password with a simple User Signup Form in the website.

Thus, adding more security to the Backup Server, as well as the client's backed up data (only the client who knows the password will be able to access the backed up data). Also makes sure that there are no two clients with the same StoreGrid ID trying to backup to the Backup Server.

So, got the funda right ??

More on next, bye.